sábado, 1 de agosto de 2015

Thank you, teachers

Como terminar nosso tempo aqui sem deixar um muito obrigado a equipe de professores que nos acompanhou nesse período?
A nossa gratidão a vocês, Johnny, Rachel, Kaleb, Katey, Mark, Ann and Kallie.

Na volta da Universal Studios, o Johnny presenteou o grupo com um poema de autoria própria, que transcrevo aqui com a permissão dele. Um poema que resume todo sentimento que nasceu, cresceu e floresceu aqui. O sentimento, Johnny, é recíproco! Thank you for such beautiful and touching words.

By John Bruder

Well here it is, our last good bye
The good times seemed to just fly
Forgive my rhymes, and sappy tone
To express my feelings, this is the way I know
This time was a blessing, I am a big fan
Now let's talk about where it all began
When I first saw you all, it was a surprise
The words from your mouths the joy in your eyes
I knew something was different, but I didn't know what it is
But I could tell you all were a group of special kids
You guys liked to be challenged which kept me on my feet
Being around you I always felt upbeat
We had some great times like when I said that's not English!
To see you improve was my only wish
To lunch time laughs and all the new foods
To seeing all of your different moods
To conversation times and the love languages
Remember those are good for all ages
Your love for pizza left me shocked
While here your potential was unlocked
The talks we had were so in depth and thoughtful
They were always so upbeat and never dull
The time I had with you has left me blessed
When you first walked off the bus I never would have guessed
How much you impacted my life and helped me grow
I'm better because of meeting you that I know
I first meet you as a teacher, knowing none of you
But now the end has come too soon
I will miss your joy, your laughs, your smiles
I will miss you all though what separates us it miles
Not seeing you daily, is something I dread
I cannot get that thought out of my head
But I know it's a good thing, that we have all met
But here are something's I never want you to forget
You're all the best, never doubt that
Your potential is boundless there is no cap
You are all special, and unique in every way
Stay strong, and grow, do not sway
And remember this trip and all that you learned
Remember the good things you have earned
You came out with new friends, no it's a family
Everyone here, and that includes me
I got to see you all improve as students in class
The young men and women you are has surpassed
My prior expectations, you all are amazing
I'll keep you all in my heart and always praying
For your safety and growth, and to see you again
I know it will happen, I just don't know when
Keep in touch, I hope to hear from you soon
And remember that we are proud and love all

Um comentário:

  1. Thanks Theachers for did take care ours kids, I love you, too!
